Apply For A Scholarship
We’ve awarded over 650 annual scholarships since 1996
Application Details
In order to be eligible for a HFWEAF Scholarship, at least one of the applicant’s parents must have worked full-time for the last three years on a central Kentucky Thoroughbred horse farm and currently be employed by a farm.
Applicants must have completed high school or a GED program.
May – Applications are made available to interested students through the HFWEAF office (see below), the Kentucky Farm Manager’s Club, some high school counselors, or from the farm manager at many local Thoroughbred farms.
July 1 – Application Deadline. All applications and supporting materials must be in the HFWEAF office by July 1st with three letters of recommendation.
Mid-July – Individual interviews with the Board of Trustees are conducted.
August – Applicants are notified of their award status and checks are sent directly to the scholar’s institution of higher education.
Interested In Applying?
Please request an application by calling (859) 269-1719 or submit a request on our contact form.
Photos courtesy of Christine Hansen and Suzie Picou-Oldham