Support Our Mission
Help keep our community and industry strong
The Horse Farm Worker’s Educational Assistance Fund is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity. Because the Board of Directors is a volunteer group of Kentucky horsemen, over 90% of donated monies flow through to the scholarship recipients.
The Fund’s work is based on the belief that giving educational and life skills assistance to the children of full time horse farm workers makes more than humanitarian sense.
It also makes practical sense by providing a meaningful employment incentive and by assisting young people who frequently return to the industry as more knowledgeable horsemen.
Message from the President:
“I would like to thank all of the contributors who have generously supported and valued this remarkable group of young scholars. Over the years we have received significant contributions from the Carl Pollard Foundation, Clay Hancock, William Marquard, W.T. Young, Darley, Hill ‘n’ Dale Farm, Thoroughbred Charities of America, Fasig-Tipton, Keeneland, The Kentucky Thoroughbred Farm Managers’ Club, Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders and KTA, Race for Education, and from many other individual donors.
Investing in these young people is also an investment in the industry. Many of our scholars have successfully completed their studies and returned to pursue careers in the Thoroughbred industry. Several have already distinguished themselves, including a Director of Racing at a major North American track. Many of those who have chosen careers outside of the horse industry have made their mark as teachers, nurses, social workers, pastors, and business professionals.”
-Tom Evans

Questions About Donations?
To learn more about helping this important project by making a donation, please contact Muffy Stuart, Program Coordinator.
Photos courtesy of Christine Hansen and Suzie Picou-Oldham